Our Mission

Our church family is committed to demonstrating the love of God by going beyond the four walls of our building and into our community. Above all, we are fully committed to seeing souls saved, baptized, and filled with the precious gift of the Holy Spirit. Whether you are new to church or have been saved all your life, we believe that everybody is somebody. Come and join our Community.

Let’s do life together, All With One Accord!


77 North 14th Street, East Orange, New Jersey


Christian Education - 9:00 AM (September - June)

Morning Worship - 10:00 AM (In person worship or virtual) (Click here to join Google Meet or Call 347-861-6488/Code: 852272447)


Prayer Line - 5:30 AM (Call 667-770-1463/Code: 951083)


Prayer Line - 8:00 PM (Call 667-770-1463/Code: 951083)


Prayer & Bible Study = 7:30 PM (Click here to join Google Meet)


Community Food Pantry from 9:30 AM-1:00 PM (Every 3rd Saturday on our church property)